Monday, May 24, 2010

A "Happy" Adoption Story about a "Good" Use for Facebook!

After reporting here, just yesterday an Article that Makes ALL Birth Parents Out to be Monster Abusive Stalkers... and how one-sided the artilce was....well, now w ehave one reporting the "advantages" of Facebook:  Trolling For Babies!

Facebook Adoption, Couple finds their Child through Facebook 

CNN News has reported that A Maryland couple who have been married since 2005 have adopted a child through facebook.  The interview (video link), with Seth and Melissa Segal on CNN showed that the couple  found out a few years back that due to infertility problems they were unable to conceive a child.  Melissa had lost a set of twins at 20 weeks and could not bare to try again.  The couple then decided that adoption would be their best route.  A friend of theirs on facebook knew someone who was pregnant and wanted to give her child up for adoption.  They hooked up with this person via facebook and began talking.  Now they have a bouncing baby boy noel, who is 17 months old and full of energy.  They set up the adoption privately and paid all hospital costs for the mother of the child, and the baby, as well as the legal fees to adopt.

Melissa and Seth say they are ready to adopt again and are actively looking for another child.  For all the bad things we hear about facebook this is a fantastic story.  Facebook has gotten a bad wrap lately for being dangerous, the privacy issues, and a waste of time.  This child would not have two loving happy parents if it had not been for the social networking site.  There are so many people who want children who have to jump through legal hoops and red tape when trying to adopt, facebook made this relatively painless and easy for the couple, the mother and the child.  Good for them!

Ah yes...good for them, never mind what is best for the child or his mother...but good for them.They got what they wanted....and isn't that all it's about... 

And being that it was a FSBO (real estate lingo for "for sale by owner") they may hve even saved lots of middle-man fees!!

The entrepreneur in me smells a new business opportunity. They have FSBO real estate web sites where people can list their homes and buyers can select the home of their dreams. Why not Craig's List has done some haven't they?  Or ooops, did it violate some law?  Guess attorneys are right on top of having their fees cut out of the dealings.


Stephanie said...

You know, I was thinking the EXACT same thing yesterday, when I read the article about us first parents being stalkers for contacting our children on Facebook (or any social networking site for that matter).

How many ads do I see on the internet for adoptive parents seeking a "birthmother"? How many "Do you know where I can find a birthmother who wants to place her child for adoption" do you see on Yahoo Answers? There is NO telling how many PAP's troll social networking sites for a potential "birthmother" to call their very own. But, it is okay for them to be stalkers, because they think they deserve someone else's child so they can be parents.

We, on the other hand, are stalkers when we find our children and try to contact them on Facebook. Where is the rationale in that? It's okay for them, but not for us?

As usual, we get the short end of the stick, only now, it's the short end of the virtual stick. Some of us were never going to have any type of relationship with our children EXCEPT for a virtual, email on Facebook type of relationship, because that is all that would have been alloted. That even has to be controlled and monitored by the "powers that be".

I find it absolutely appalling that some adoption agencies and adoptive parents are requiring young women to sign a waiver stating that they cannot contact their child on Facebook, later down the road. What would happen? Would she be thrown in jail? What about the adoptive parents who promise an open adoption? Where is the waiver to protect the first mother in that situation? Would they go to JAIL if they up and moved, leaving her hanging? Nope. But the first mother probably would, if she contacted her child on Facebook.

Stop the madness.

KimKim said...

Tacky. Shopping for a baby on facebook is just tacky. Giving it positive media attention is tacky.

When a mother contacts her child through facebook it's reported as stalking. But when people prey upon pregnant women on facebook it's seen as wonderful.

RussiaToday Apr 29, 2010 on Russian Adoption Freeze

Russi Today: America television Interview 4/16/10 Regarding the Return of Artyem, 7, to Russia alone

RT: Russia-America TV Interview 3/10

Korean Birthmothers Protest to End Adoption

Motherhood, Adoption, Surrender, & Loss

Who Am I?

Bitter Winds

Adoption and Truth Video

Adoption Truth

Birthparents Never Forget