Sunday, November 8, 2009

Babies Stolen for Adoption

Mexican authorities have arrested three doctors, a nurse and a receptionist accused of stealing newborns at a private hospital and selling them, the Mexico City attorney general's office says. All the suspects were charged with trafficking in minors, using false documents and organized crime.

A married couple and a woman also were arrested on charges that they bought two newborn girls and registered them as their own offspring, said Luis Genaro Vasquez Rodriguez, an official with the attorney general's office.

The doctors and hospital personnel would tell parents from whom the children were stolen that their babies had died, authorities said Wednesday.

One of the abducted babies, Diana Fernanda Castillo, has been reunited with her biological mother. Authorities who found the baby and confirmed her identity through genetic tests handed her over to her mother, Vanesa Edith Castillo Guzmán, on Thursday.

Full story here.

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