Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Help for Tennessee's Most Vulnerable

Yesterday we won an extraordinary victory for abused and neglected children — and vulnerable kids throughout the state of Tennessee are safer as a result.

When the state passed a law that compromised the fairness of kids’ hearings in juvenile court, it was fought in to federal court.

Last night, the state legislature voted unanimously to repeal a part of the law that interfered with the decision-making of juvenile court judges — and retained a provision aimed at keeping families together and children safe at home whenever possible.

For Tennessee’s abused and neglected kids, it’s the best of both worlds — protecting their rights to fair hearings and preserving safeguards aimed at keeping them safely out of foster care.

Children’s Rights is still involved in a massive effort to reform the entire child welfare system of Tennessee — a successful campaign that has kept children across the state safer and brought increasing numbers of kids home from foster care to loving families and permanent homes.

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