Sunday, October 18, 2009


Two very different reunion stories for you to peruse and hopefully return here to discuss.

One is an emotionally expressive video of a 34-year-old man's Facebook reunion.

The second is a reunion of adoptees who were once entrusted to the New York Foundling Home, some were part of the "orphan train."

The New York Times, quotes the director as claiming that the 600 who attended the home's 140th anniversary were returning to their "roots" ??

Your thought? Reactions?


Anonymous said...

The director of the New York Foundling Homes didn't actually say they were "returning to their roots".
He said they were returning to "celebrate their roots."

Since he is also quoted as saying “In this era of need-to-know there is renewed interest in tracking your personal and family history”, my own sense is that he meant they gathered together to acknowledge a significant part of their life experience as well as their individual historical and family histories.

AdoptAuthor said...

You are correct about the quote. However, do not see a foundling hospital or adoption agency as part of one's "roots."

Of course that statement could lead to a another 80 or so comments as we debate the meaning of the word "roots"! :-))

I do not consider the hospital I or my children were born in any part of my roots, legacy, genealogy, ancestry or heritage....and I see all those words as related (another 90 comments!).

What does the dictionary say about roots?

First 5 definitions are horticultural and related to teeth etc., but then it says:

6. the fundamental or essential part: the root of a matter.
7. the source or origin of a thing: The love of money is the root of all evil.
8. a person or family as the source of offspring or descendants.

I'm not saying this person using the term was in any way mean spirited or ignorant. I am saying it struck a nerve for me.

Anonymous said...

" I am saying it struck a nerve for me."
I understand that.
You also wrote, "Your thoughts? Reactions?"
Let me try and explain mine better.

To me, the fact that he made a clear distinction between personal and family history means he meant the time they spent at the home was part of their "personal", not their "family" history.
As the article stated, "a shared history of a life-altering experience, one they were too young to remember."
It was obviously important to the 600.

Triona Guidry said...

Does the New York Foundling Home offer free and clear access to adoption records? If so, IMO, they can say this is a celebration of roots. But if they deny access to sealed records--or, worse, charge ridiculous rates for access and intermediary "help"--then this strikes me as little more than a commercial to sell those services.

Personally I don't consider the people who facilitated my adoption part of my "roots". I consider them obstacles between me and my heritage, based on the way they have blocked access to my origins.

RussiaToday Apr 29, 2010 on Russian Adoption Freeze

Russi Today: America television Interview 4/16/10 Regarding the Return of Artyem, 7, to Russia alone

RT: Russia-America TV Interview 3/10

Korean Birthmothers Protest to End Adoption

Motherhood, Adoption, Surrender, & Loss

Who Am I?

Bitter Winds

Adoption and Truth Video

Adoption Truth

Birthparents Never Forget