Madonna's Mercy adoption has been in an Edinburugh Festival musical performed by all Malawain children wearing "Adopt Me" tee shirts and a cross dressing 6ft tall Malawian man wearing a blonde wig, gold Gaultier bra and heels, giant star-shaped sunglasses and a silky pink nightie. It features song parodies such as: “People are dying in a Malawian world, and I am a Malawian girl”.
A Massachusetts couple's son's photo was placed on the notorious Craig's List being offered for adoption. Josh and Jenni Brennan however did not want to place their adorable little boy for adoption. The photo had been copied from their family blog! (Note: Keep family info and photos private!)
The Brennan's were tipped to the scam by an anonymous email. They cautiously wrote back and found put that an unidentfied woman had fallen for an adoption scam from a St. Theresa Conception Parish which asks for $300 to start the adoption process about a year ago. When she saw the same ad pop up again she posed as an interested adopter to see what the scammer would send back.
The Brennan's were tipped to the scam by an anonymous email. They cautiously wrote back and found put that an unidentfied woman had fallen for an adoption scam from a St. Theresa Conception Parish which asks for $300 to start the adoption process about a year ago. When she saw the same ad pop up again she posed as an interested adopter to see what the scammer would send back.
While Brennan sues for misuse of her son's photo, and filed complaints with the FBI and the Massachusetts Attorney General's office - the photo has now appeared in hundreds of new stories covering the incident.
So Craig's list takes the heat again while the Brennans learned a hard lesson about protecting their privacy.
As for adoption scams - they will continue as long as babies are allowed to be sold by anyone and money is allowed is a major part of the equation - can we say baby selling? - and the process is called "adoption." To protect against fraud, we need to remove the profiteering and police the entire industry with regulations. Gee sounds like that might may a good book...Until then, people in the market for a kid are as at risk as anyone trying to dope on a street corner.
But how can we ever stop the insanity unless we curb the source of it all: the demand, ethnocentricity, perpetuation and belief in rescue myths, and the intense feelings of -- can we say: ENTITLEMENT? -- that my favorite slanted news story today reeks of.
Adoptive parent organizations are reportedly "outraged" that immigration rules apply to them!
The case at hand involves a 2007 CDC guidelines for tuberculosis testing and treatment for immigrants older than 2. The ruling halted the adoption of a 4-year-ol girl from China by a Virginia couple.
"You know, she loved us, she bonded with us and she attached to us" the prospective father is quoted as saying in a news report that reads like a heart wrenching soap opera of a child begging to remain with "her father" - a man she met only 12 2days prior but allegedly calls "Pappa". Of course, she faced no such trauma being taken from her original family! Only the pain and angst of the adopters is captured for all the world's sympathy. Excuse me while I take a barf break....irony sticks in my throat, choking me.
Another bizarre case of an unhappy customer, with too few details:
Imagine that? You pay for a home study expecting that payment to assure you are approved, and yet you are not! How preposterous...there oughts be a law...I mean she PAID! Where are the guarantees.
And this poor woman waited three years to adopt. Where's the justice?
More on my Guatemala report - continuing with previous post and lost more photos - coming, I promise!

Karen Sternberg, 37, of the bronx, NY is suing two adoption agencies: Pennsylvania-based NHS Human Services and Indiana-based Bond of Love, saying she was given an infant boy for about a month before he was taken because the study of her home was "defective."
Sternberg paid NHS $1,500 for the home study and Bond of Love $12,125 for adoption services, only to have authorities dismiss her adoption petition, according to her lawsuit.Imagine that? You pay for a home study expecting that payment to assure you are approved, and yet you are not! How preposterous...there oughts be a law...I mean she PAID! Where are the guarantees.
And this poor woman waited three years to adopt. Where's the justice?
Finally, check out the comment on this blog post about breastfeeding adopted children:
"As an adoptee, if my adoptive mother had breastfed me, I would be disgusted. I breastfed all of my babies, and I was a lactation consultant, so I am fully aware of the benefits of nature. My adoptive Mother was NOT my natural mother."
More on my Guatemala report - continuing with previous post and lost more photos - coming, I promise!
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