Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Guatemalan Journey: Part II

On day four of our delegation. We left Guatemala City and drove into the rural, lush agricultural areas.
Patchworks of fields of green and cabbage and corn filed; small plots on mountain side - some almost horizontal as the indigenous people did with what they had after multi national commercial banana, coffee, and sugar growers took their prized, prime land.

The road wound up and up...Temperatures drop. Stray dogs run along the highways. On our way to Chimaltengo we pass cement trucks hauling mined lime and the cinder blocks made from it.

In Zunil we visit a tiny chapel blocks from the larger church that adorns the tiny town center.

In the chapel candles of different colors are lit for different types of prayers: health, prosperity, love...and curses, offerings to Maximon – San Simon, a Mayan folk saint.

In the face of war, oppression, poverty and disappear these people - like so many other victims of genocide - never waiver in their incredible love and faith of God.

And around the corner is the school.

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