Monday, January 31, 2011

Your Support Needed: USA TODAY & Ct Post

Lorraine Dusky has written an excellent OpEd piece that was published in USAToday. She bounced off Orpah Winfrey's reunion news and her mother's reaction.

"I share Oprah's mom's shame and pain" is available at this link.

Lorriane is concerned about the volume of reposnses from 'the antis" and asks for your help in commenting.
Lorraine says: The thoughts expressed in the usa today piece are getting hammered. Your comments are needed. People who agree with the piece are less likely to comment but it looks like I'm out there on a limb, when you all know I'm not!

No need to use your name if you don't want to. ...

By way of explanation: I knew I had to focus on Vernita and why she did not make contact because I've written before on adoptee rights re origins for USA Today  before and was warned this piece had to be quite different. I did include a quote from the Donaldson report on first mothers but that got cut.
Another long-time "trooper" Mom and colleague has an article appearing in the Ct-Post that you would enjoy reading and might likewise want to support with your comments here.   "Milford woman fights to open birth records in adoption cases" - the title reflects Connecticut's 28 year battle for equal access. 

My comment (You must be on the second page of the article and click "View Comments" to see them):

NY and NJ are facing similar battle for as many years. The issue is a simple one: Adopted persons are denied a right that all other non-adopted citizens have - the right to access their own birth certificates. That is discrimination, plain and simple.

There is no right to protection of secrets and lies, so no "competing right." There also never were any promises of privacy or anonymity ever given any mother who relinquished and none could be provided as proven by the number of adoption separated persons who find one another every day depote records being sealed.

Governments need to get out of people's personal lives and their choices to meet one another. There are sufficient laws to protect all citizens from unwanted contact, stalking and harassment.

Laws that apply only to adopted-separated adults are discriminatory and treat adoptees and their birth families like suspects in need of "protection" from one another! This alleged "protection" is in effect PUNISHMENT and a violation of civil rights! It needs to end.

Birth certificates of adopted persons were originally sealed to protect adoptees from the stigma of illegitimacy which no longer exists. They were never sealed to protect the birth mothers nor does unsealing effect abortion rates!

Those who oppose the rights of adoptees do so to keep adoptions secret are misled. Others who lobby against adoptee rights do so because there is more profit to be made under the cloak of secrecy.

The time has come to end this discrimination! How can adoption be promoted as a win-win when people are suffering such injustice under these draconian laws?

Mirah Riben

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Connecticut Post link doesn't work. Here it is:

RussiaToday Apr 29, 2010 on Russian Adoption Freeze

Russi Today: America television Interview 4/16/10 Regarding the Return of Artyem, 7, to Russia alone

RT: Russia-America TV Interview 3/10

Korean Birthmothers Protest to End Adoption

Motherhood, Adoption, Surrender, & Loss

Who Am I?

Bitter Winds

Adoption and Truth Video

Adoption Truth

Birthparents Never Forget