Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A New Book by Evelyn Robinson

Adoption Separation - Then and Now

For the first time, Evelyn Robinson has produced a book which includes the work of others. Forty-five parents who have lost children to adoption in seven different countries were generous enough to allow her to publish their narratives. Their stories make poignant and, at times, harrowing reading.

Their contributions represent adoption as it was then (ie between 1958 and 1989) and she has added some information and some of her own opinions on adoption as it is now.

Evelyn writes: "I believe that together they provide compelling and thought-provoking reading and will contribute in a very positive way to validating the feelings of those who have experienced adoption separation and educating the community around those experiences and the resulting outcomes.

"I have a limited number of copies available for $15.00 each (no charge for postage in Australia).
You may order copies by sending a cheque/money order to:
Clova Publications
PO Box 328
Christies Beach
South Australia 5165
or contact sales@clovapublications.com for other payment options."

Adoption Separation - Then and now will soon be available for purchase on-line through Amazon.

For further information please visit the Clova Publications web site at http://www.clovapublications.com
If you are able to advertise my book and/or produce a review, I would appreciate it greatly. I am also available as a presenter and am always willing to talk about my work.

Please pass this information on to anyone who may be interested.

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RussiaToday Apr 29, 2010 on Russian Adoption Freeze

Russi Today: America television Interview 4/16/10 Regarding the Return of Artyem, 7, to Russia alone

RT: Russia-America TV Interview 3/10

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