Saturday, January 8, 2011

Were You Raised as a Practice Baby at an American College?

For 50 Years, Orphans and Welfare Cases Were Used to Teach Young Women About Childrearing

Photo: Bobby Domecon (for Domestic Economy) is the second practice baby to arrive at Cornell in 1920. He was a malnutrition case, but developed normally during his two-year stay.
Bobby Domecon (for Domestic Economy) is the second practice baby to arrive at Cornell in 1920. He was a malnutrition case, but developed normally during his two-year stay.
(Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library)

Hundreds of babies awaiting adoption were on loan from orphanages to some of the nation's most prestigious colleges, so that students could practice the latest child-rearing techniques. Their identities were kept anonymous, and practice baby programs were ended in 1969. Were you one of the babies? ABC News would like to hear from you for a future story.

Contact ABC here.

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