The infertility industry in the United States has grown to a multi-billion dollar business.
Its main commodity is human eggs.
February 1 @ 6:15 PM
California Independent Film Festival
Best Documentary Nominee
Zemrak Theatre
Moraga, CA
February 3 @ 12:30 PM*
Fordham Law School
Room 312
New York, NY
February 3 @ 6:30 PM*
Columbia Law School
Jerome Greene Hall
Room 102
New York, NY
February 4 @ Noon*
The King's College
Empire State Building
The City Room, Lower Lobby
New York, NY
Free Registration Required
Email info@eggsploitation.com to Register
February 11*
University of Notre Dame
South Bend, IN
February 24 @ 12:30 PM*
Family Research Council
801 G Street NW
Washington, DC
Free Registration Required
Click Here
February 24 @ 7:00 PM
Kenyon College
KAC Theater
Gambier, OH
Free and open to public
March 14*
Loyola Marymount University
Los Angeles, CA
March 15*
Azusa Pacific University
Azusa, CA
April 6*
Boston College
Boston, MA
April 7*
Yale Law School
New Haven, CT
February 1 @ 6:15 PM
California Independent Film Festival
Best Documentary Nominee
Zemrak Theatre
Moraga, CA
February 3 @ 12:30 PM*
Fordham Law School
Room 312
New York, NY
February 3 @ 6:30 PM*
Columbia Law School
Jerome Greene Hall
Room 102
New York, NY
February 4 @ Noon*
The King's College
Empire State Building
The City Room, Lower Lobby
New York, NY
Free Registration Required
Email info@eggsploitation.com to Register
February 11*
University of Notre Dame
South Bend, IN
February 24 @ 12:30 PM*
Family Research Council
801 G Street NW
Washington, DC
Free Registration Required
Click Here
February 24 @ 7:00 PM
Kenyon College
KAC Theater
Gambier, OH
Free and open to public
March 14*
Loyola Marymount University
Los Angeles, CA
March 15*
Azusa Pacific University
Azusa, CA
April 6*
Boston College
Boston, MA
April 7*
Yale Law School
New Haven, CT
Oh Mirah, thanks for posting this. I hope a lot of women see this.
Cathi Swett and I are working on a way to present showings at colleges!
Wow! This is horrible. I also hope a lot of women see this and will be spreading the news.
Unfortunately, I think most young women will still think, "I'm young and in perfect health, nothing like this will happen to me and besides it's such a beautiful thing to help an infertile couple and I really need the money."
I also notice there is almost never any mention of how the child will feel about being created this way and not being raised by his/her genetic mother.
Robin, Absolutely, which is why they need educating!
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