Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pass the HUTZPAH Award, PLEEZE!!

The news report says: "Andrew Dolan and Suzanne Tyler (of Vancouver, British Columbia) just wanted a "forever family" when they adopted a son and daughter in 2009 through Family Support Services of North Florida."

Seems, rather than a "forever family" this couple came to the US from Canada seeking the "perfect family" and didn't question how siblings of about 4 and 6 years of age could be anything less than perfect, and do not understand why kids who - at that age - needed to be adopted by strangers, would not perhaps be upset at being left with a nanny, who they now reportedly abuse!

So now this noble, loving couple who sought a "forever family" is SUING the agency for not revealing the children's former abuse.

The fact is, however, that while gory details were not revealed, they DID know the kids in been in failed foster homes after being removed from their mother.  The children's story is quite tragic and revolting:
The children were taken from their birth mother in early 2005 and placed in Annette S. Smith's foster home for 19 months. The lawsuit says they were repeatedly physically and sexually abused and made to eat feces, urine and soap. They were removed from there in October 2006 after another child in the home told police his "foster mother hit me with a belt," according to Smith's Nov. 29, 2006, arrest report. The report did not include any indication of the abuse against JD and WD (the unidentified children) in the lawsuit. The state shut down the foster program at the home after the investigation, said the parents' Jacksonville attorney, Brian Cabrey. Cabrey said he is a former Children and Families attorney.
"My clients were told the reasons why that home was closed were unknown," Cabrey said. "Records reflect that home was closed due to physical abuse on our clients' children and/or other foster children."

So they then assume the kids are trouble free?

Children and Families spokesman John Harrell said his agency interviewed the five foster children in Smith's home, but heard no statements of the abuse referred to in the lawsuit. Smith was later found guilty of child abuse against the 4-year-old boy, according to court records. The children then spent six months in a second foster home, five more in a failed adoption to a Virginia couple and were sent to two more foster homes in Nassau County.
In early 2009, Dolan and Tyler saw the siblings in an adoption registry and began the adoption process. Only after it was finalized in August 2009 did the children start telling parents and therapists what they had been through.

"They withdrew and then acted out with very bizarre sexual behavior," Dolan said. "... That's when the details of their abuse really began to emerge. It was like a waterfall. Once it started flowing, it wouldn't stop."

And here's the BOTTOM LINE:
  • $ - Dolan said it became obvious the care their children needed was beyond what they could afford, so they sought a "significant" increase in their monthly adoptive stipend from Family Support Services. It was denied, which led to the lawsuit.
  • $ - "The family has not cooperated with our requests for information," according to a representative of the agency. "These allegations were not reported to us until years later, and they accompanied a request for an increased adoption subsidy."
  • $ - Ka-ching!

And, after all, they came all the way from Canada to the US - the baby buying capital of the world when after all, had they wanted abused kids, they could have just stayed home and gotten them in Canada!

The poor misled "forever" parents - all they wanted was perfect kids at 4 and 6 years old! What's so difficult about that request??

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