Thursday, July 1, 2010

End Violence Against Women

UNITE, a global web initiative of the UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) is highlighting the daily violence faced by women in conflict zones this month. You often write on issues related to women’s lives and the issue of sexual violence impacts many across the world.

WHY: Women hardly ever fight the world's wars, but often suffer the most from it. Every day women and young girls are targets of sexual violence: in IDP camps, when they go to school; on the streets outside their own homes; and even when they step out to get water or firewood for daily survival. But they have little say when peace is negotiated! Less than 10 percent of people who negotiate peace deals are women.

YOU can help change this. Say NO – UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign is highlighting the urgent need to make WOMEN COUNT FOR PEACE. You can help by signing the Petition and sharing this information through your blog, on Facebook and Twitter.

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