As Mercy's "putative" father slams her for dressing like a slut - again (most recently at the Costume Institute gala last night. wearing in a navy blue wench-inspired mini, kinky thigh-high PVC boots)...
James was not alone. NY Magazine: "Madonna shows up looking like a cleaning lady moonlighting as a stripper who washed her Xanax down with one too many margaritas before she changed outfits."
Mind you, none of her outrageous costumes are part of a script for a move. These are the 50-year-old mum's own choices for public attire...
....the attire of a woman who allegedly plans to launch a campaign to help single mothers adopt children from foreign countries - if legal officials in Malawi block her bid to take home three-year-old MERCY JAMES again.
A source tells The Sun newspaper, "If she fails on the grounds of her divorce she will be absolutely livid. She is already talking about starting a campaign for single mums to be allowed to adopt the world over."
1) you weren't turned down because you are single Although, one can only wonder how bad it was being married to Guy Ritchie - who is still supporting her adoption bid - that she couldn't postpone divorcing him until after she completed the adoption .
2) will your group support the rights of pole dancers, strippers, and sex workers to adopt s well?
3) will you be advocating breaking laws, bribing, coercing...and taking children away from parents who WANT them?
5) what about the rights of women old enough to be grandmothers parading around like sluts who have a A STRING of men in their past?
6) why not try to support the rights of children in your homeland?
and finally, the biggest news flash of all:
7) NO ONE has a "RIGHT" to adopt (not even you!)
Least of all one who flaunts herself publicly in an outfit James Kambewa called a "slutty cleaning lady."
The ‘Daily Star’ quoted him as saying.
“A woman is supposed to be a role model for her daughters. What morals can a woman of 50 have, who has no qualms in showing her delicate parts and displaying herself like that in front of her children"
Talking about harping.
Not that I'm a Madonna fan, but she was attending the Met's Costume Institute Gala. Not Sunday Mass.
Great outfit, and perfectly appropriate to the occasion.
I especially liked the giant green scrunchy on top :-)
Well, you and she are about the only two that share that opin about the scrunchy bunny ears that didn't even match her dress. All critics panned it, not that I care one way or the other, but would you want to see YOUR MOTHER dressed like that or in any of her other stage outfits?
This is blog about Family Preservation: not couture.
Even Michael Jackson has his fans that are willing to overlook his obvious abuses of children.
PS She attends Kaballah - NOT Sunday mass!
"This is blog about Family Preservation: not couture."
Exactly. So what someone - anyone - wears *to a couture showing* is hardly relevant.
I would LOVE to have seen my mother dressed in anything 1/2 as outré. For any occasion. Alas, I never had the pleasure.
I didn't know scrunchies were supposed to match the outfit.
Though I guess the Queen's do.
"PS She attends Kaballah - NOT Sunday mass"
You are quite right. How could I forget?
But she wasn't wearing it to Kaballah either.
She was wearing it to a high fashion event.
Well, suggesting something about a woman's mothering abilities (adoption aside) because of her runway/photo-op wear doesn't, uh, sit well with me either. You can't be serious. That was just fon-fon-fon for the rags. They don't really believe the attire has anything to do with anything. It's just good copy.
This is hardly the first or worst outfit she has worn...but, no, I am not judging her ability to be a parent based on her clothing choices.
I have written several other posts about madonna and wrote about her first adoption in my book. She is expecting laws to be overturned for her, and adopt children who have family.
Yeah, really. What the hell is that thing on top of her head anyway? I loathe to think how she will dress "her" kids up for Halloween over the years. Madonna has lost a fan in me. I used to like her music, I used to blast "Papa Don't Preach", but not anymore. I can't even listen to her. She pisses me off and makes me sick. I'm breaking her cd's in half...
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