Caucasian baby gender unknown, due late-July in UT, 30.5K plus 5-7K medical
Caucasian baby gender unknown, due mid-August in UT, 30.5K plus 8-10K medical (minor drug/alcohol use)
African American/Caucasian baby girl, due late August in UT, 25K plus $5-17K medical
African American/Caucasian baby boy, due late July/early August, 23K plus 11-14K in legal/living
African American/Caucasian baby gender unknown, due mid-August, 23K plus 11-14K legal/living
African American baby boy BORN in VA on Feb 2011, 11.5K plus 10.5K (agency travel, living, legal) 1.5K for ICPC if you're out of state
African American/Caucasian baby due in Florida in October, 23K plus 14K legal/living, 1.5K for ICPC if you're out of state
Caucasian baby gender unknown, due October in AZ, 23K plus 14K legal/living, 1.5K for ICPC if you're out of state
African American baby gender unknown, due in August, 23K plus 14.5K legal/living

These are REAL LISTINGS posted on this blog by Karalee who identifies herself as:
"a mother of two beautiful children through the miracle of adoption, I am thrilled to be working as an adoption consultant for Christian Adoption Consultants. It is such an honor to help families on their adoption journeys find the baby meant for them!"How is this legal, let alone moral???
Note that in addition to the vileness of pricing based on race... that no mention of openness is mentioned. Are these expected mothers being kept in baby farms? Are they receiving any impartial counseling as to their rights? Any support for an option to parent?
What happens if they accept these pre-birth offers to BUY their baby and then change their mind as 50% of expectant mothers who consider adoption do?
Karalee reminds viewers of her blog listing that:
"only a few of the agencies we work with publish situations online, so this is a sampling of the situations our clients can be shown to. If you have questions about any of these situations or about the services Christian Adoption Consultants offers, email me at karalee@christianadoptionconsultants.comYes, that is her email adress. Comments are not accepted on the blog, but feel free to write to Karalee!
Have a great day!"
This is gross! How nice to know that I'm at the top of the heap being caucasian and female. Aaarrgh!
This is beyond disgusting. And yes, I emailed her, not that she will read it much past the first couple of words!
I hear ya' I sent Karalee a link to this blog, so let's see if she comes here to explain ...
I am an adoptive mom who is sickened by the callous way children are listed on this site as if they were new cars or real estate. I tried to leave a comment on the blog but amazingly you have to be admin to comment. Children are not accessories. Please know that many adoptive families cherish their children and also (I know we have) work very hard to keep that connection going with the birth family. Sadly, all I can do these days (16 years later) is continue to send updates, photos, videos and arrange visits with the paternal grandmother as she is the only one that wants continued contact. That breaks my heart for my daughter.
Yes, as I said, you cannot comment at the blog, but you can email Karalee - use the link in the post.
also try:
At this website "situations" are listed as:
CC, gender unknown, due late-July, 30.5K plus 5-7K medical (UT)
CC, gender unknown, due mid-August, 30.5K plus 8-10K medical (some alcohol and drug use, smokes daily) (UT)
AA/CC, girl, due late August, 25K plus $5-17K medical (UT)
AA/CC, boy, due late July/early August, 23K plus 11-14K in legal/living
AA/CC, gender unknown, due mid-August, 23K plus 11-14K legal/living
AA, born Feb 2011, 11.5K plus 10.5K (agency travel, living, legal) 1.5K for ICPC in VA
AA/CC, due in October, 23K plus 14K legal/living, 1.5K for ICPC (FL)
CC, gender unknown, due October, 23K plus 14K legal/living, 1.5K for ICPC (AZ)
AA/CC, gender unknown, due August, 23K plus 14.5K legal/living
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