While the article is about the catholic obsessive hatred of same sex unions and adoption, there are some GREAT, very quotable quotes in the article which starts out by stating these realities of adoption:
If the clients are the adults, the child then becomes a precious commodity. The qualification for the adoptive parent(s) is merely competence in parenting. However, if the client is the child, the process for qualifying the prospective parent is quite different, taking into account the human rights and dignity of the child.
First, let us consider the state of the child up for adoption — deprived of his or her mother and father who for some reason were not able to fulfill their responsibilities to the child. Nevertheless, the child carries the flesh of these people and is a witness to their union for all of eternity. The child has not only lost a very real primordial connection associated with his or her identity, but something that is common to every person without exception and important to human flourishing.
As the child grows in age, the awareness of loss increases. Not only the connection with the persons from whom the child originated is missing, but there are also questions about siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, medical history, sense of family history and ethnic and cultural heritage. The ability, as far as possible, for a child to know and be cared for by his or her mother and father is so precious that it is an internationally recognized human right specified in the “U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Considering the child’s status, adoption is really an accommodation for this privation. It is an act of charity in which strangers make an irrevocable promise to love, to stand in for and to represent the man and woman who gave the child life and who were not able to fulfill their responsibilities. In this sense, they are not only taking on responsibility to the child, but also to the parents of the child."
The article then goes on to make the absurd argument that the original mother can only be replaced by a female and the original father, by a man. All logic is suspended at this point, but I guess religion is wont to do that, what with virgin mothers and holy ghosts.
HOW IRONIC considering that the Catholic Conference (CC) is the major opponent to adoptees accessing their own original birth certificates and being able to reconnect with their lost kin.
ALL equal access activists are URGED to use these quotes to prove what hypocrites Catholics are!! The incredulous irony of May saying: “Human rights cannot be created or changed, only recognized” while the CC stomps on the human rights of adopted persons.
SOOO, why does the CC oppose adoptees right to be treated to all non-adopted citizens? Because of a very insulting pretense that mothers who lovingly - or under pressure - relinquish children they have carried for nine months for adoption would prefer to abort rather than risk being found! Does that ability to reverse time apply to mothers who have their rights terminated by the state years after their children were born?
Their argument is however contrary to the statistics which indicate that in status where adoptee access has been restored there has been no increase in abortions and no decrease in adoptions. And they know it!
So what is their REAL reason for fighting desperately to deny the rights of these children whose rights May speaks of? It is fear of priests and other men in high positions being found by children they fathered outside of their marriages.
How dare a Catholic speak about the human rights of children and “the principle of irreplaceability” when they advocate erasing the truth of the adopted child’s identity, heritage and lineage and replacing it with a fraudulent birth certificate claiming adoptive parents as parents to whom the child was born. The church baptizes these children confirming these falsehoods….the same church that told thousands of mothers in the past to LIE about ever having had a child.
Hatred for homosexuals and homosexuality allows them to violate their own moral arguments, not to mention eliminating possible parents for children in foster care who cannot be reunified with their families and might benefit from caring parents, regardless of their gender.
Follow the Money
Their argument is however contrary to the statistics which indicate that in status where adoptee access has been restored there has been no increase in abortions and no decrease in adoptions. And they know it!
So what is their REAL reason for fighting desperately to deny the rights of these children whose rights May speaks of? It is fear of priests and other men in high positions being found by children they fathered outside of their marriages.
How dare a Catholic speak about the human rights of children and “the principle of irreplaceability” when they advocate erasing the truth of the adopted child’s identity, heritage and lineage and replacing it with a fraudulent birth certificate claiming adoptive parents as parents to whom the child was born. The church baptizes these children confirming these falsehoods….the same church that told thousands of mothers in the past to LIE about ever having had a child.
Hatred for homosexuals and homosexuality allows them to violate their own moral arguments, not to mention eliminating possible parents for children in foster care who cannot be reunified with their families and might benefit from caring parents, regardless of their gender.
Follow the Money
Beyond all this is yet a bigger hidden agenda! Religious agencies have every right to discriminate as they chose to. They can give preference to prospective adopters who are Jewish, or Muslim, or Catholic and they can reject applicants who are NOT Jewish or catholic or whatever...
The simply cannot make those kind of discriminatory choices AND expect tax dollar support for doing so!
Catholic Charities of Illinois has more than 3,000 children in its foster care and adoption agencies, representing around 20 percent of all such services in the state, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.
In recompense, the state pays the organization around $30 million a year. THIS is what is at stake!
Catholic Charities is hoping for an amendment to the civil unions bill allowing exemptions for faith-based organizations, allowing them to pass adoption applications to gay-friendly organizations without penalty. Rep. Dwight Kay (R-Edwardsville) introduced an amendment to the civil unions law that would ensure religious child welfare agencies can turn away committed same-sex couples who want to adopt children or provide foster homes.
Illinois officials are investigating whether religious agencies that receive public money to license foster care and adoptive parents are breaking anti-discrimination laws if they turn away potential parents who are openly gay.
If they are found in violation, Lutheran Child and Family Services, Catholic Charities in five regions outside Chicago, and the Evangelical Child and Family Agency will have to license openly gay foster parents or lose millions of state dollars, potentially disrupting thousands of foster children in their care or give up the tax funding.
If they are found in violation, Lutheran Child and Family Services, Catholic Charities in five regions outside Chicago, and the Evangelical Child and Family Agency will have to license openly gay foster parents or lose millions of state dollars, potentially disrupting thousands of foster children in their care or give up the tax funding.
"If we are forced out it is the children that are going to be affected," Celeste Matheson, Director of Advancement for Catholic Charities, is quoted as saying.
They want it both ways. They want to discriminate and have tax payers foot the bill! AND they claim to be charitable when it's really all about the money!
But let's be clear about same sex adoption. It is NOT all about placing special needs kids, despite the old rhetoric that gays are willing to accept children no one else wants including HIV positive children.
They are also on the front lines competing for yet UNBORN newborns and are able to appear more sincere in offering open adoption to do so!
The NJ Bar Association website states:
In the next time slot of seminars I visited Creating Family: Counseling GLBT Clients on Adoption with attorneys Debra Guston, Donald Cofsky, and Doulas Pine with Terry Petrone and Elaine Schwartz from Adoptions by the Heart.
I really found this to be an informative program about the difficulties and hurtles that GLBT clients must navigate on the path to adoption. Among the issues for these couples are insurance companies, cryobanks and embryo donation organizations that refuse to serve same-sex couples.
Insurance lags behind woefully, said the panelists. Insurance companies try at every turn to put language in insurance policies that eventually will lead to the insurance company denying the claim and not paying.
Panelists from Adoptions from the Heart said that same-gender couples are more willing to be open with birth parents than opposite sex parents. They come across more sincere with their promise of openness. They are finding that birth parents are more amenable to choosing a same-gender couple for their adoption as the right couple to adopt their child for just those reasons.
The agency looks for stability, committed relationships, the couples motivation to adopt, and their commitment to a stable home. More and more birth parents are choosing same-gender couples.
Another important point taken from this program is counseling GLBT clients about the stability of their relationship. The motto is "we're never going to break up," but reality is reality. Counsel clients in this regard and sit down and have them figure out,what do they want to accomplish? You may find out things that did not come to light at first.