Adoption Network Law Center is one of the largest adoption.com advertisers.
They proudly boast:
"Aggressive Birthmother Outreach Helping You Find A Beautiful Newborn Baby..."
We are results driven! Unlike many state-regulated adoption agencies, we are not confined by stringent state-mandated budget restrictions. This means we can advertise and market more aggressively to find the right child for you quicker.
In fact, on average we are able to match families for you within 4 months when, according to National Adoption Information Clearinghouse the industry-standard for adoptions is anywhere from 1 to 5 years!!! Click here to view our adoption testimonials. We can help you find and adopt a newborn baby to fulfill your dreams of parenting. Here Is How We will Help You Find A Baby To Adopt: - ANLC places extensive Nationwide Internet advertising specifically targeting suitable Birthparents knowing that the Internet is the most widely used medium of this demographic.
- Over 1 million dollars spent in Birthmother advertising annually.
- Aggressive grassroots marketing and outreach programs to reach other birthmothers who might not otherwise find us through more traditional forms of advertising and marketing. We market to:
- Maternity Homes
- Family Planning Clinics
- Crisis Pregnancy Clinics
- Hospitals and Medical Clinics
- Teen Pregnancy Programs
- Church Groups
- Chat Rooms
- Civic Organizations
| - Abortion Clinics
- Bulletin Boards
- Pregnancy Hotlines
- Physicians
- Community Referrals
- Social Workers
- High Schools, Colleges and Universities
| |
Building strong relationships with birthmothers to ensure that both parties involved in the adoption are completely aware of their options and obligations.
With a track record like that, it is no wonder hundreds of families turn to us each year to help realize their adoption dreams.
Get assistance with your adoption plan with a free no obligation consultation. Contact us today by calling toll free 1-800-367-2367 or click here to use our convenient contact form.
Oh my god, this makes me so sad.
'Aggressive'. Yeah, that they are.
My blog was on this yesterday. Caught you attention to???? The nerves of these people. They need to think; before they advertise. I am boiling mad over this ad.
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