Thursday, September 20, 2007

Jayni Anderson Follow Up

Press release, Sept. 2007

OriginsUSA advocates family preservation, and provides justice, emotional support for families separated by adoption and public education on issues related to adoption.

As such, OriginsUSA is proud to have been in part responsible for the recent reunion between a Salt Lake City mother and her two sons separated for three decades.

Jayni Anderson surrendered a daughter and two sons for adoption. She worried about their well-being and returned to LDS Family Services who placed them in order to update her contact information.

On her most recent visit to the agency, Anderson was told that her daughter died at six months of age of SIDS. She was not told whether the adoption had been finalized, or where her daughter was buried.

OriginsUSA read about Anderson’s plight and on September 13, 2007 publicly declared support for her efforts to sue the agency to open the records in regards to her daughter.

The press release produced by OriginsUSA was seen by a man who believed he was Anderson’s oldest son. Many of the facts fit what he had been told: that his mother was herself adopted and was part Native American. He contacted OriginsUSA who in turn contacted Anderson.

That very day Anderson met her eldest son whom she had baned Joshua, now 30 years old, married and expecting his first child very shortly. Placed for adoption when he was three, he is the department manager of a security systems company, and is a military intelligence officer with the Utah Army National Guard.

Anderson, shedding tears of joy, was also quickly reunited with his brother who had been placed with the same adoptive family shortly after his birth, though their adoptive parents were not the attorney and physician Anderson had been told they were. Anderson’s middle son is 26 years old. He is currently married and is a successful electrician who works throughout several western states.

All three had been living in the Salt Lake City area.

Anderon’s sons will be assisting her in her efforts to uncover the truth of their sister. Anderson reports that her youngest son, who she raised, is thrilled to have two big bothers.

Joshua, who had been searching since he was sixteen, and has the support of his adoptive parents said: “I inherited her persistence….I have to tell you that I am very grateful for organizations like yours, for if this story had never occurred, I would never have met her. Thank you so much.”

Contact: OriginsUSA at

1 comment:

Researcher said...

What a great update that she found her sons. Now all three deserve to find their sister/daughter.

Thank you for helping this family.

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