Tuesday, April 17, 2007


......................to the blog of

Parents and Professionals for Family Preservation and Protection

an international coalition of organizations and individuals
concerned about:

- global child trafficking in terms of adoption
- exploitation of mothers and the commodification of children

- profiteering and lack of regulation in international and US domestic adoption

- rights of children and adults who have been adopted or relinquished

- support for mothers, fathers and expectant mothers

Please visit often as it is created and updated!
www.PPFFPP.org will be the site for all up-to-date information on:

- family preservation
- safe havens
- putative father registries

This site will act as a REPOSITORY of information
that can be used for letter-writing etc.

This is THE one and only, preeminent post-adoption discussion blog

BOOKMARK THIS SITE and visit daily...
So you can be part this newly emerging organization ... a whole new leaf in the post-adoption movement...the only organization in post-adoption dedicated SOLELY and ONLY to issues of FAMILY PRESERVATION!

We will begin by defining Family Preservation,
forming a mission statement, goals, and a VISION for PPFFPP.


Why is there a need for FAMILY PRESERVATION?

The privatization of American infant adoption has turned what once was a social institution for taking care of orphans and children who have no family to raise them…into a multi-billion dollar unregulated industry run by untrained “professionals,” baby brokers, facilitators, and intermediaries whose livelihood is dependent on the placement of children with strangers. This in turn has led to widespread coercion and exploitation of mothers and the commodification of their children.

“I feel Adoption in a larger perspective now. It goes way beyond my personal experience and I think as my knowledge of adoption has increased, my anger has increased and it’s gone way beyond the anger of a mother who’s been robbed, exploited of her child.” Laura Watkins-Lewis, Young Woman’s Blues

“… this is not about my relationship with my lost son or even my raised children or any other mother/child in particular, but the larger, less specific issue of the lack of respect for women and children, the broader sense of entitlement that people with more wealth and power are allowed to exploit those who are weaker and less powerful for their homes, their families and their dignity. [Family Preservation] is now, for me, a Social Justice Issue.

“I still need support for my relationship with my damaged and angry lost son, but that relationship is what it is, and no amount of my wishing that I could make the past 40 years end up somehow different will make it so. But, the larger issue to me is that it happened at all. Not just to me but to the many. The larger issue to me is that [unnecessary family separations] continue to happen today, as evidenced by the Stephanie Bennett case (www.sendevelynhome.com) …. To me, infant adoption in America is Human Trafficking. Go to www.adoption.tk/situations and look at the ads there. It looks, for all the world, like a used car ad, and yet, these are living human beings. Small, powerless and fragile. You can almost sense the dealers (child recruiters) out kicking their tires and checking their low mileage! They even list the price. Some look as if they can be driven right off the lot! This is vile and repugnant to me.....I can't take on the entire world, but adoption and my own loss made me aware of the larger sense of greed and entitlement that allows these evil practices to continue. …I must make my own pain, my own misery, my own loss count for something…. “

Sandy Young

If anything in these statements rings true for you, then you are in the RIGHT PLACE!

PLEASE NOTE: This blog is a serious and positive, goal-oriented, brainstorming venue. The opinions of all committed to Family Preservation are valued.

Comments that are not consistent with that goal have no place here and will not be posted.

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RussiaToday Apr 29, 2010 on Russian Adoption Freeze

Russi Today: America television Interview 4/16/10 Regarding the Return of Artyem, 7, to Russia alone

RT: Russia-America TV Interview 3/10

Korean Birthmothers Protest to End Adoption

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Who Am I?

Bitter Winds

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Adoption Truth

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