Tuesday, April 17, 2007



April 17, 2007

Parents and Professional for Family Preservation and Protection is proud to announce that Rolie Post, author of Romania For Export Only: The untold story of the Romanian 'orphans' will be joining the Advisory Board of PPFFPP.
While working Rolie
at the European Commission on the DG Enlargement, Romania Team, Roelie dealt with issues of Children's rights, particularly adoption. This work involved the monitoring of these issues in the framework of Romania's accession to the European Union. Also the programming of pre-accession assistance, the Phare Programme, on these issues was part of her tasks.

In 1999, the adoption policy of the Romanian orphans was connected to a system child trafficking, under cover of corruption. The European Commission asked Romania to reform its policy of children’s rights, in order to be accepted into the European the Union. Roelie Post was a civil servant who became a whistle blower with the publication of he book based on the diary she kept over an eight-year period beginning in 1999, while she worked to reform Romanian adoption.

Her book reads like an exciting tale of mystery and espionage as she uncovers memos, files and emails that spell out a "point system" pitting American against Europeans as to who can pay more and thus get more children for adoption; phonied photos to make conditions look more dire than they are to increase private and public funding that seldom got to the children or the employees caring for them...as Roelie discovered on her field trips to the Romanian orphanages.

She also tells about her meeting with Belgian associations fighting child trade, and the the Baroness who sought to stop - at least temporarily - the international adoption of Romanian children.

Roelie Post adds not only an international presence to this effort, but a deep understanding of the conditions of the children of international adoption, and those who use them for personal gain. Her commitment to ending the corruption in adoption, child rights and family preservation make her a welcome asset to this newly emerging - international - coalition
of organizations, professionals, adoptees, mothers, fathers and citizens concerned about the preservation of families, and expectant parents, in crisis.

Over the course of her eight years working in the field and then writing her book, Roelie en
trenched herself in a deep education and understanding of the problems of adoption. We are proud and honored to have her add her passion and expertise to this endeavor.


Anonymous said...

I am delighted to see that Roelie Post will be a member of your team. Roelie has worked and fought hard for many years for the Rights of the Child and her work to help Romania's children will never be forgotten.

AdoptAuthor said...

Roelie and Evelyn Robinson have both agreed to be on the Advisory Board of www.ppffpp.org...AND my book, Stork Market is being translated in Romanian!

I am very hopeful that working together globally on these - pulling together an intertnational coalition of those committed to the rights of mothers and chidlren worldwide - will put pressure on the US to end its entrepreneurial exploitation of poor mothers worldwide...including those at home!

Brian - can you tell us all something about you, where you are from, and what your connection is to these issues?

Thank you.

RussiaToday Apr 29, 2010 on Russian Adoption Freeze

Russi Today: America television Interview 4/16/10 Regarding the Return of Artyem, 7, to Russia alone

RT: Russia-America TV Interview 3/10

Korean Birthmothers Protest to End Adoption

Motherhood, Adoption, Surrender, & Loss

Who Am I?

Bitter Winds

Adoption and Truth Video

Adoption Truth

Birthparents Never Forget