Monday, August 6, 2007

Important New Study

Results of ORIGINSUSA survey regarding lifelong effect of adoption loss on surrendering mothers released

Richmond, VA, August 06, 2007: OriginsUSA, a national organization dedicated to the preservation of natural families and supporting people separated by adoption, announces the release of their comprehensive study on coercion in adoption and the effects of adoption loss on surrendering mothers. For the study, 214 natural mothers, who had surrendered their children between 1956 and 2003, completed lengthy, in-depth questionnaires about their experiences. OriginsUSA undertook the study in order to increase the public’s awareness of issues surrounding the entire adoption process. Board member Bernadette Wright, PhD, who analyzed the questionnaire results and wrote the report, said, “The findings reveal that, contrary to popular opinion, for many mothers, surrendering their child to adoption was not a 'choice', but was based on pressure, coercion, lack of options to keep their baby, and/or lack of knowledge about their options. The results indicate that, although some coercive practices have changed, much has stayed the same over the past nearly 50 years.” A detailed report of the results is available online at


For further information, please contact,
Sandy Young
1024 CR 4511
Hondo, Texas 78861

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