Thursday, November 11, 2010

Adoption Truth: When the Right Idea Takes a Wrong Turn

Changes needed for adoptions

Re: Wanted: Families for 8,300 foster children, Nov. 4 

November is Adoption Awareness Month and Children’s Aid Societies are calling on Ontarians to consider becoming parents to the many children who need permanent families. Adoption is one option for finding a permanent home for a child, but there are other ways to find the right family. Last year, CASs found permanent families for more than 5,200 children — with extended families, legal custody, traditional aboriginal homes and adoption. 

New families are created through the work that CASs do with the children in their care, and with families they recruit, train and support to be adoptive parents. While this progress is promising, we believe changes are needed to increase the number of adoptions. These changes include providing subsidies to adoptive parents, offering health and dental care to adopted children, and addressing the waiting list for home studies.

Marcelo Gomez-Wiuckstern, Director of Communications, Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies

Why of all these option should adoption be encouraged?

Why not provide subsidies to extended family guardians?

Why not offer health and dental care to striggling families?

In the U.S. a program called Family Finding finds double digits family members willing and able to help children aging out of foster care. We could do the same for those ENTERING the system!

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