Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Ethics of Adoption in the 21st Century

I am pleased to announce that my proposals have been selected for presentation at the Sixth Biennial Adoption Conference through the Adoption Initiative at St. John’s University, “Open Arms, Open Minds: The Ethics of Adoption in the 21st Century” on October 14-15th, 2010 at the campus at St. John’s University’s Manhattan Campus.

I will be presenting: "Ethics and the Role of Money in the Global Adoption Industry, Lack of Enforcement of Ethics and the Role of Money in Domestic Adoption" & "The Ethics of Unenforceable Promises of Open Adoption Contact Agreements.” 

This conference is co-sponsored by Montclair State University, the National Resource Center for Permanency and Family Connections at the Hunter College School of Social Work, POV, and the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute. As with our five previous conferences, we seek to create educational and experiential opportunities for professionals, scholars, students, and those touched by adoption to learn more about different aspects of the adoption experience both domestic and international. We are glad you are interested in sharing your knowledge and expertise at the conference this year.

For more information on the program, hotel listings and to register, please check for updates by visiting our website at or

Hope to see many old and new faces there!

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RT: Russia-America TV Interview 3/10

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