When does it end?
How many more will it take???

How long will we continue to turn a blind eye to the worldwide MARKETING and TRAFFIKING in human life?
How much longer will we IGNORE The exploitation of the poor and the commodification of their chidlren to meet a DEMAND!??
How many more will it take???

How long will we continue to turn a blind eye to the worldwide MARKETING and TRAFFIKING in human life?
How much longer will we IGNORE The exploitation of the poor and the commodification of their chidlren to meet a DEMAND!??
All the while singing the praises of adoption as a 'win-win" rescue of homeless chidlren...even encouraging adoption with tax benefits?!
How much longer will we play this pretense?!
How much longer will we allow those who PROFIT in the redistribution of children and the DESTRUCTION of FAMILIES to continue?!
This is NOT just a problem of third world countries!!!
Gladney Center of Fort Worth is PROUD of its MARKETING CAMPAIGN!
How much longer will we play this pretense?!
How much longer will we allow those who PROFIT in the redistribution of children and the DESTRUCTION of FAMILIES to continue?!
This is NOT just a problem of third world countries!!!
Gladney Center of Fort Worth is PROUD of its MARKETING CAMPAIGN!
Gladney Center for Adoption Announces New Marketing Campaign and Updated Website
Last update: 11:51 a.m. EDT Aug. 21, 2008
FORT WORTH, Texas, Aug 21, 2008 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- FORT WORTH, Texas, Aug. 21 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Gladney Center for Adoption has recently unveiled a new marketing campaign as well re-launched Gladney's updated website.
The Birth Parent and Adoptive Parent Campaigns have a new look with the development of new marketing creative materials. Gladney's new Birth Parent campaign, "Encouraging Words," brings a message of hope to those experiencing unplanned pregnancies. Hope is hidden in the everyday environment and with Gladney; a birth mother can find hope.
The Adoptive Parent campaign is designed to create a message of hope, love and anticipation that adoptive parents feel as they enter into the adoption process. The materials with a toy chest image, creating a message of love, hope and anticipation that adoptive parents feel as they enter into the adoption process. The toy chest and toys are used as the key visual element and the toys represent each country and program. The use of the toys demonstrates Gladney's connection to each country with which we work and underscores Gladney's expertise in adoption.
The updated website includes Birth Mother video testimonies as well as Adoptive Parent and Adoptee testimonies. The Birth Mother website has a different look and feel than the adoptive parent site. More media stories are included as well as information about Gladney's vast humanitarian aid efforts. The site is designed to be easy to use.
The Gladney Center for Adoption is one of the oldest and largest maternity homes and adoption agencies in the United States, placing more than 27,000 children in permanent homes and assisting more than 36,000 birth mothers. In addition to placing children born in the United States, Gladney's international program is committed to finding permanent homes for children in other countries. Adoption opportunities are available in several countries around the world including Eastern European, Asian and Latin American countries. A genuine commitment to client and social service makes Gladney an exceptional adoption agency and a national leader in adoption.
For more information about Gladney's adoption programs and humanitarian aid efforts please log onto www.gladney.org.

Kids 'kidnapped for Aussie adoption'
August 22, 2008
POOR Indian children are being kidnapped and adopted out to Australian families through state government agencies, authorities say.
More than a dozen “pretty” children kidnapped in Indian slums have ended up being adopted in Australia, TIME Magazine reported.
According to the magazine, at least 120 children were kidnapped from slums in southern India and were sold to a Chennai-based adoption agency Malaysian Social Services (MSS) for as little as $280, before being sent overseas.
Police in India told the magazine that after MSS bought the children, new identities were created and the children sent overseas.
In an interview with the magazine, an Indian mother named Fatima said her two-year-old daughter Zabeen was plucked off the street, thrown into a motorised rickshaw then disappeared.
"I thought someone had taken her for her kidney,” Fatima said.
Seven years after Zabeen vanished, it was discovered that she had been processed by MSS and police in India now say she was adopted by a family in Queensland.
Indian police believe at least 13 kidnapped children were adopted by Australian families.
Indian authorities are now hoping to question officials from the Queensland Families Department.
Queensland Child Safety Minister Margaret Keech told the magazine that the allegations were “very concerning”.
“(Officials) will work very closely with federal and state agencies to investigate these claims,” Ms Keech said.
Police also hope to interview people who may have adopted kidnapped children.
And...we can all be PROUD to know that while we tsk tsk and go about our daily lives...debating whether its "worth it" (financially and/or emotionally) to support adoption activism programs...The National Council for Adoption is counting their donations and adding up the BUCKS their supporters have kicked in to keep up the status quo and the flow of babies:
We met our goal!! We’re in the black!!! On the last day of our fiscal year, the National Council For Adoption raised all the funds we needed to meet our budget. And it’s all because of you!! We sent out the call for help 7 days before our year end and you answered with overwhelming generosity and $37,000. Your commitment to champion the cause of adoption is the reason we are able to begin this new fiscal year on strong financial footing. Words cannot express our gratitude to you for reaching deep into your pockets and standing alongside us in this great cause. We have so much work to do but we are in a great position to continue that work so that all children can have a loving, permanent family of their own. Thank you!! Thomas C. Atwood President and CEO
You can contact NCFA by mail, phone, fax, and e-mail: National Council For Adoption 225 N. Washington Street Alexandria, VA 22314 703-299-6633 (Phone) 703-299-6004 (fax) ncfa@adoptioncouncil.org*****"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)When, if ever, will we who care about morality, ethics in adoption, child welfare....put our money where are mouths are and being a real campaign to turn this world right side up again?
Or will we simply give up and not even try? Not care what is done to other mothers and their children? Not make any attempt to spare one other human the pain and loss we have suffered?

1 comment:
It's always nice to come across a blog that is truthful about the child protective and kidnapping industry. Good luck, I will put you on my blog roll.
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