Now, her divorce and infidelity rumors have reached epic proportion with her b

And as it all unfolds...all I can think of is what does David Banda's father think of all this? Yohane Banda said that he had been told the Kabalah follower was "a good Christian woman."
On a far less serious note, I also cannot help but wonder why this material woman with all her wealth cannot afford a root touch-up before being photographed in public...not just once, by consistently:

Below, another view of the rich bitch with the baseball dude.
What you are advocating is full of ignorance, and before you do any more damage to suffering children, visit one of the countries you are damaging with your total ignorance.
It appears your heart is in the right place, but you have been hoodwinked by false evidence.
Thanks for stopping by.
If I've been "hoodwinked" so has has the United Nations.
I suggest you read some of David Smolins writing on child trafficking for adoption, and try to open your eyes and your mind.
I am far from "ignorant" to the subject of adoption which I have been researching for nearly 40 years!
If you believe that what Madonna did was a good thing, then it you who is walking around with rose-colored glasses, not me.
I also suggest you google "the Madonna affect."
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